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  4. Uploading DSA2 Letters

Uploading DSA2 Letters

Go to Overview > DSA2 Letters on the sidebar menu

Click on the Upload DSA2 Letter button

Enter the email address of the student by referring to the student initial email

Upload the DSA2 letter by either clicking on the Upload button or by drag & drop into the upload area

Click the Save button

Please be aware:

If the DSA2 Letter was sent in on the Student’s behalf by a Parent or Guardian, you should be aware that using their email address will set it as the primary contact for all correspondence from the system.

What types of letters can be supported?

  • Student Finance England (Contribution / No Contribution)
  • Student Finance Wales
  • Digital copies of DSA2 Letters in PDF format
  • Letters where Wyvern are the Supplier for the Equipment and/or the NMH
  • Equipment Allowances using Quotes from the Wyvern Quotes site (auto import)
  • Equipment Allowances using Quotes from ATQ / CLASS (manual transcription)

What types of letters cannot be supported?

  • Student Finance NI
  • NHS
  • Scanned / Photographed copies of the DSA2 Letter
  • Physical copies of DSA2 Letters
  • Digital copies of DSA2 Letters in a format other than PDF
  • Digital copies of DSA2 Letters which contain other content (ie; when using Sperry)
  • Digital copies of DSA2 Letters which are password protected (unlock before uploading)
  • Digital copies of DSA2 Letters which are incomplete (ie; spread across multiple files)
  • Copies of DSA2 Letters which have been marked, annotated or otherwise distorted
  • Letters where Wyvern are not the Supplier for the Equipment or the NMH
  • Letters which contain an allowance listed separately (Grammarly, Learning Labs, etc.)

After uploading, you will need to wait for 2-5 minutes for the letter to be processed and returned to Cobalt. If you are waiting for longer than 10 minutes, please seek support as something may have gone wrong.