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  3. Overview – DSA2 Letters
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The DSA2 Letters Module serves to accelerate the DSA process by scanning a given DSA2 Letter from SLC and automatically producing the Student’s Account and any contained Quotes/Orders without the need for human intervention.

The DSA2 Letters Module utilises Docparser, an external Optical Character Recognition (OCR) service. When you upload a DSA2 Letter to Cobalt, it is dispatched to Docparser for processing. Once Docparser is finished, the processed DSA2 Letter data is returned to Cobalt ready to be saved.

Cobalt will immediately create the Student’s Account using the information contained on the first page of the DSA2 Letter. It will then set about attempting to find any awarded Equipment / NMH for which the User’s Company is the supplier.

When it finds awarded Equipment, Cobalt will create a Quote under the Student’s Account and then attempt to match the Quote Reference on the DSA2 Letter with the Quote from the DSA Quotes Portal.

If it can find a matching DSA Quote, it will automatically import all of the Items from the Quote and mark it as ready. Otherwise, it will mark the Quote as missing Items, which requires manual intervention to rectify.

When it finds awarded NMH, Cobalt will split the awarded NMH into its time slots. For example 5 x 2 hour sessions will cause Cobalt to create five separate Quotes with a two-hour Training Session as a contained Item.

If there is no need for manual intervention, Cobalt also integrates with the Student Portal module by triggering the generation of the Student’s Student Portal Account, which then automatically prompts the Student to log in and begin the process of fulfilling their DSA Order.

If all goes well, the Student Portal accelerates the DSA process by allowing the Student to begin fulfilling their Order in as little as ten minutes from the point at which their DSA2 Letter is sent in.