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  4. DSA2 Letter Statuses

DSA2 Letter Statuses

DSA2 Letter Statuses are displayed in three separate ways on a DSA2 Letter record:

Letter Statuses

Clock Icon - Waiting Icon (solid)

The DSA2 Letter has been received but has not yet been processed.

Check Circle Icon - Complete Icon (light)

The DSA2 Letter has been received and processed successfully.

Times Circle Icon - Failed Icon (light)

The DSA2 Letter has been received, but something went wrong during processing.

Equipment / NMH Quote Statuses

Exclamation Circle Icon - Big Attention Icon (light)

Needs Attention
One of the DSA2 Relationships needs attention before the Student’s Order can proceed.

Clock Icon - Waiting Icon (solid)

Work in Progress
The DSA2 Relationship is being worked on to resolve any problems with it.

Check Circle Icon - Complete Icon (light)

The DSA2 Letter has been received and processed successfully.